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born in canada, linda allen realised she was allergic to the wolves that raised her in the igloo village near nunavut.... so she moved to the city. there she graduated from the fine arts program at h.b. beal technical school and the industrial design program at the ontario college of art and design in toronto. after working in balmy portland oregon for 10 years, designing shoes for footwear giants adidas, nike, and columbia sportswear, she was ready to do what seemed to be in the family genes, work for herself. allen was particularily interested in teaming up with smaller shoe brands to help them innovate and create functional, comfortable, compelling footwear that would help them grow their business. since robin360 began in 2006, she has worked for many brands and some of the nicest people in the industry. in her spare time she dreams about creating a magnificent allergen-free poodle/alpaca farm with bizarrely pruned boxwoods and outlandishly sculpted farm animals.


conveniently, allen is a sample size seven.

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